Wild Wild Country is a Netflix documentary series, directed by Maclain and Chapman Way, about the controversial Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho), his one-time personal assistant Ma Anand Sheela, and their community of followers in the Rajneeshpuram community located in Oregon.
The Rajneeshpuram movement began in India in 1968. Rajneesh (also referred to as Osho) was eventually filling stadiums with 20–30k people. He was the first leader to meld Eastern Mysticism with Western capatlism. His speeches were sprinkled with opinions about capitalism, spirituality and sexuality. His followers also practiced a dynamic form of meditation.
Well educated westerners began moving to India to join the movement, so the group decided to build a commune. When the group experienced political resistance in India, they decided the United States was the best place for them to practice their way of life. They bought 80,000 acres in Antelope, Oregon (population 50) and began bringing in mobile homes and building materials to build their agricultural commune. Ma Anand Sheela, who met Osho when she was 16 years old, became the administrator and managed the group's millions of dollars. As you can imagine, the very small community of locals living in Antelope w